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- Ryssen är ute och leker med sina vapen.
Coolt 1 feb 2012   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 1 616  
Cop Shoots Own Finger Prank 01:19
- Clean freak police officer cleans the barrel of his gun with little finger. When the finger gets stuck, his partner decides that shooting it out would be the best course of action.
Pranks 14 feb 2012   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 3 464  
Detention Escape 03:58
- We had a few troubles and had to reupload this video :P However, wer'e shooting another video today and this one will be in a totally different enviroment(then usual). My guess is that it will
Coolt 23 jul 2012   Av: RandCmovies   Klick: 1 774  
Top Elevator Pranks; Hiss pranks 08:33
- http://gags.justforlaughs.com | Subscribe! http://goo.gl/wJxjG We knew our elevator pranks were appreciated, but didn't realize they were so appreciated that some people are actually re-shooting o
Pranks 9 jun 2013   Av: Jkpgtobbe   Klick: 5 201  
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