- Är min räv jag? Svensktextad version av Kroatiens bidrag i Eurovision song contest 2013. Original: Klapa s Mora - Mierja. Av Fia och Daniel Sjöstrand.
- Re-upload of the missing number 2 video from the series. Not my video - will remove on request. (Ignore the title where it says episode 3, as 2 different episodes both say 3)
To Troll A Predator
- eurovision song contest 2011!!
Alla 43 låtar! Nu ska vi se vem som ska/skulle vinna egentligen. Rösta på varje låt 1 - 10p och sedan någon gång får vi se den riktige vinnaren. Man får rösta på Sverig
- Camp Pendleton may be home to thousands of Marines but at Red Bull Rivals at Del Mar Beach, there was a lighter mood to the famed base's proceedings. While hundreds of Marines and their families looke
- The competition's main purpose is to eat candy as fast as we can.
* Measure the length of the material
* No hands may be used
* Try not to vomit
- We Could Be The Same New Version Tecno House Remix( Brussels )
We Could Be The Same ( ?stanbul )
We Could Be The Same ( Stockholm )
We Could Be The Same ( Gooseflesh Radio Edit )
We Could Be The S