- WATCH THE BLOOPERS & MORE: http://bit.ly/Poke2Bloops
WATCH PART 1: http://youtu.be/e1h5TzdTq0o
Anthony continues on his quest to become the greatest Pokemon master of them all!
*Yep, the Mank
We amass a collection of burgers and the starting line-up of fast food chicken burgers to create an enormous combo. Gravy and Jack Daniels shots as well!
- Jarrod Radnich spelar Hedwig's theme från Harry Potter.
Jarrod Radnich är världens bästa piano spelare, och ingenting i låten är framspolat eller fejk.
- Jag undrade vad ni ville se bli sönderskjutet av ett hagelgevär, och så här blev resultatet!
Tack "Bowling & Nöje" för bowlingklot och käglor!
- Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe =)
Follow my brother Anton here on Youtube!
Another channel made for all football/soccer love
- Bullens pilsnerkorv. Its a Swedish sausage. AND ITS DELICIOUS!
Not fine with it? Eat a rock, hater, and call the care-police.
We had a few projects along with the university. Now, they are done. S